
Permeke Bibliotheek in Antwerp - Ground floor 2

making it in order for the people to find it easy - good work

They also have computers you can use to search and find in what you like to read

another info area

a view from the groundfloor to the first floor

table and chairs for users - nice 

stairway to the first floor

a garden space -  for children activities or etc.

some letters written by people who are not born in Belgium - foreigners or just learning the Nederlands language to integrate with the society

and more... it was a relief reading the different letters because we have the same feelings and experiences as newcomers in Belgium

exhibition of letters 

The difficulties if you donot know or do not understand the Nederlands language

well arranged


easy to find because of the signage to assist identification of so many books

The red colored shelves really give more attraction to the visitors and readers


another room to enjoy your reading
see more pictures

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Bibliotheek Permeke

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