
Belgium Languages

Belgium is a small country but there are 3 official languages in Belgium: Dutch, French and German.

Dutch is spoken by 60% of the people, living in the Northern Flemish region.

French is spoken by 40% of the people, living in the Southern Walloon region.
German is spoken in a small part in Eastern Wallonia.

Most people speak at least one foreign language since everyone learns the second major language on school from (at least) the age of 10. German is spoken by less than 1% of the Belgians, living in a small eastern region. Most people of the German speaking region speak both other languages as well. Also a lot of people speak English. Learning languages as German and Spanish is also popular among the general population.

In the Flemish region, Dutch is the only official language.
In the Wallon region, French is the only official language.
The Brussels Capital Region is official bi-lingual French/Flemish.

There is also a part of people who speak no one of the official languages. Most of them are the first generation of immigrants. Most languages in this category are Turkish, Arabic and Italian.

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I do not understand why some belgians like to divide the country into two or three or how many more  of which i do not know. They cannot see that it is crystal clear that they are still united even with three official languages or three or more govt.  I am not so keen to talk about politics but the problem is people is the so- called "ego". Well, whatever, I love belgium because of the smooth flow of government, the peace and order and well discipline.  They run the country smoothly compared to other countries with its graft and corruption, unemployment, crimes, poverty etc.

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